Scholarship Requirements
1. Rio Grande High School student (preference given to student-athletes)
2. 3.0 minimum GPA or acceptance to the University of New Mexico (Main Campus)
3. Attend the University of New Mexico (Main Campus)
4. Major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) career (preferred, but not required)
5. Essays (see below)
6. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation
Student-Athlete: Teacher & Coach
Others: 2 Teachers, or Teacher and Club Sponsor
7. Unofficial Transcript
Essay Topics
Describe your high school experience. Please include sports, clubs, after-school activities, jobs and/or any other activities. Explain how these activities impacted your high school career. (350 words or less)
Explain your plans for your college education and give one specific example that describes what led you to your educational goals. (350 words or less)